How likely is war with North Korea? Speculation abounds. Here’s a South Korean who argues that war is “highly very extremely unlikely.” He says that all the players involved — South Korea, China, North Korea, and the U.S. — simply have too much to lose if another Korean War breaks out.

Take his opinions with a grain of salt, as you should everyone else’s. But ask yourself this: Is his the more probable scenario? Or is it wishful thinking? Is he overestimating how cautious Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will be, that the leaders will weigh into consideration how many lives can be lost?

The man in the video is Guk Beom-geun, the founder of G-pictures, an online media that aims to speak to and be spoken to by young South Koreans on topics such as politics, sexuality, and social issues.

G-pictures’ original slogan was “Politics is fun,” an idea Guk has embraced since he was a fifth grader in elementary school, after watching a movie about the 1980 democracy protests in Gwangju. Guk is a popular media personality in South Korea, and has appeared on TV shows featuring Park Won-sun, the mayor of Seoul, and Yoo Si-min, a prominent leftist critic.

Check out his video, “Will there really be war with North Korea?”: 



This video was produced and edited by G pictures, and translated by Korea Exposé. If you’re interested, check out a previous video we collaborated on with G-pictures, in our “Young South Korean Speaks” series. The video is oh-so-eloquently titled, “What the Fuck is North Korea’s Problem?”


Cover image: Combat in the Korean War ended with an armistice in 1953. Here, women and children search the rubble of Seoul for anything that can be used or burned as fuel. November 1, 1950. (Source: National Archives)