Chinese tourists

Jieun Choi
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A K-pop Star for One Day

Going to a noraebang and belting out a tune or two is a favorite pastime for South Koreans. Some companies, though, see an opportunity in elevating this mundane experience to a new level: helping Chinese tourists feel like a K-pop star for one day. For more on this story, read:

Eddie Park
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"Don't Speak in Korean": When Koreans Travel to North Korea

Only a few minutes after arriving in Dandong, a Chinese city that borders North Korea, my assumptions about travel to North Korea were abruptly shattered. I was told by a Chinese employee of the tour company that it would not be wise to, while in North Korea, speak Korean or

Sydney Yejin Chun
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Dongdaemun Postcard: From Stall to Tower, Merchant to Tourist

The stalls are set up like tiny stores; an air-conditioned box designated for each merchant. Most hide behind their goods like hermit crabs in their shells, recoiling at the sight of the hot summer sun. Others yell out prices and wave signs on the sidewalk, trying to catch the attention