Scarlett Johansson to Play Park Geun-hye in New Biopic

Scarlett Johansson to Play Park Geun-hye in New Biopic

Ben Jackson
Ben Jackson

South Korea’s celebrity gossip network has gone into overdrive following revelations that 21st Century Fox is preparing to shoot a seven-hour biopic of former South Korean president Park Geun-hye.

A high-placed Hollywood source confirmed that Scarlett Johansson is to star as Park, while soul mate Choi Soon-sil will be portrayed by Meryl Streep in her first major role as a Machiavellian Northeast Asian power abuser.

A local fixer, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that a casting agent had flown in from Los Angeles on Saturday and was recruiting extras in downtown Seoul’s Tapgol Park to play the roles of irate Park supporters. “We’re especially interested in males over 70 years old with a penchant for dressing as marines,” she said.

Korea Exposé understands that the screenplay, written by a publicity-shy North Korean novelist known simply as “Randi,” is based on several handwritten diaries left by Park at the back of a wardrobe in the Blue House.

Rumors that Michael Douglas has been approached to play the role of scandal-mired former presidential secretary Woo Byung-woo could not be confirmed at the time of publication.

News of the coming production has re-ignited the so-called “whitewashing” controversy provoked by Johansson’s recent casting in the lead role of The Ghost in the Shell, originally a Japanese manga series. Johansson is understood to be preparing for the Park role with a course of placenta extract injections at a Gangnam clinic.

“I don’t see why Hollywood always has to use white actors even in Asian films,” said Busan-based English teacher Brian McBrian of Idaho. “They’re just so racist.”

Meanwhile, Seoul office worker Park Yong-cheol did not object to the playing of Park by a non-Asian actor. “But I would prefer a man,” he added. 

The climax of the movie, directed by Michael Bay, will be a high-adrenaline car chase through the streets of Seoul during the evening rush hour, reaching speeds of up to 12 km/h.


ké explosé is a satirical news service from Korea Exposé. Happy April Fools’ Day, from the Korea Exposé team. 

Cover Image: Actress Scarlett Johansson (Credit: JCS, CC BY-SA 3.0) and disgraced former president Park Geun-hye of South Korea (Credit: 박근혜 공식앨범, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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