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전체 공개

Koryo Saram: 4th Generation Redefines Korean 'Roots'
His mother tongue is Russian. His ancestors left Korea to settle in Uzbekistan. Now, a fourth generation Koryo Saram is ‘back’ in the land of his great grandparents. Check out the Koryo Saram video series from Korea Exposé: 1. Between the Former USSR and Korea [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdWYBUa49qQ] 2. Korean Noodles from Kazakhstan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ir-_CfY5Cc] 3. 4th Generation Redefines Korean ‘Roots’ [https://www.koreaexpose.com/koryo-saram-4th-generation-r
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