ké cast S2 E2: Jeju's Yemeni Asylum Seekers

ké cast S2 E2: Jeju's Yemeni Asylum Seekers


South Korean society has long been intolerant of outsiders, but the outrage sparked this summer by a thousand Yemeni asylum seekers on Jeju Island illustrates the depth of the country’s xenophobia.

On this episode of ké cast, Korea Exposé publisher Se-Woong Koo joins host André Goulet to discuss why, despite its vaunted democracy and economy, compassion and humanitarian instincts are in short supply in South Korea.

Listen to this episode on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, etc. or download the audio on AudioBoom. 

Read Se-Woong’s piece: Tyranny of South Korea’s Majority Against Refugees

This conversation was recorded on August 28th, 2018.

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